
Friday, December 7, 2012

Instead of Pissing Off People, Ed Asner is for Pissing on Them

Hollywood Hall of Shame
This week's Hollywood HOs  winner is no other than notorious Hollywood moonbat lefty Ed Asner.  Long known for his hatred of all things capitalist, Mr. Ed narrated a video for the California Federation of Teachers titled, "Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairy Tale".

Most notable in this little demonization of success video is a scene where rich people's concept of "trickle down" economics is demonstrated by a rich guy urinating on common folk from above.  Clever, yet repulsive.  But of course, in their usual display of spinelessness, once called on the carpet for something so outrageous, the CFT edited out the golden shower scene.  You can see the edited version below.  The edited scene occurs at the 2:50 mark.  It has been replaced by a still shot.

When questioned about this by Fox News, Mr. Ed was not only unrepentant, but asked if he could urinate on the Fox News employee.  You can view the edited scenes and Mr. Ed's request in this clip from the Sean Hannity Show:

What I find truly repulsive and frightening is that even a union in the People's Republic of California finds this load of Mr. Ed manure even remotely educational.  It is a fairy tale of falsehoods indeed.  Where did they get the idea for this propaganda abomination, the SKB (Stalin/Kruschev/Brezhnev) Cinematic archives?

You know the funny thing?  Lou Grant would have smacked Ed Asner upside his fevered head and said, "Grow a pair and get a clue, you whiny liberal piece of crap!"

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Well done Mr. Asner. Evidently your last name is missing an "s". Maybe Ed just has some inner angst about being the last white guy to graduate from Wyandotte High School.

  2. Ring ring.....
    Ed Asner: "hello?"
    Caller: "Hello Mr Asner, this is your doctor. I'm calling to discuss the results of your recent colonoscopy....I have good news and bad news."

    Ed: "Oh no Doctor! What is it?
    Caller: "Well, the bad news is that we discovered a large ugly mass in your colon. The good news is that it was your head."

  3. He gives ALL his money to the poor-RIGHT? I think maybe just maybe this is the only way to get in the "public eye" without having to do any real acting!! Maybe that's what this is? Yeah-that's the ticket! He's acting! That has to be it! He couldn't possibly be THAT STUPID!?! Could he?

    Mrs. C
