
Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Right to Not be Offended

I've been scouring my copy of the constitution recently and have been looking to find where we are guaranteed the right to not be offended. I am shocked, shocked I say, that I cannot find it. Many elementary schools can no longer have Halloween parades. The last school I attended historically had a Christmas party. Someone complained, so they changed it to the "Holiday Party". Someone complained again, so they changed it to the "Winter Festival Party". Being in student government at the time and part of the planning committee, I commented that we couldn't name it the "Winter Festival Party". The party was to be held on December 14 which I pointed out was technically in the Fall, so I recommended the "Fall Festival Party". The group enthusiastically endorsed my recommendation. I find droll humor is often missed by the political correctness police.

Why do we allow minute sections of society to pummel us with the sledgehammer of "diversity"? Why should the few get to dictate the actions of the many? What law makes any public group or organization an "offense-free" zone? Perhaps the wearing of the red, white, and blue is antithetical to my religion. Should others be prohibited from wearing this color combination because I claim I am mentally and emotionally damaged by the site of people wearing red, white, and blue?

People are not offended by actual words, symbols, and objects. They are offended by the context of those words, symbols, and objects. If I am not forcing my context on you, why should you be able to force your context on me?

To slightly alter Dennis Miller's tagline:
That's just my opinion, I could be wrong... but I'm not.


  1. Diversity indeed, Sahib! A nation's true strength is derived from all citizens contributing as one towards the betterment of the state. Only when conservatives understand this will America be able to reach true greatness as a nation!

  2. Joseph- Sorry, but your comment was a little creepy. America's greatness comes from the heart and soul of individual Americans, not from some Borg-like collective.

  3. The problem with allowing the majority to direct the nation is that the majority cannot be trusted to work towards the well-being of all citizens. The government's role is to protect the minorities against the excesses of the majority.

  4. The whole no Halloween parade thing has always hacked me off in our town too. If you have serious problems with Halloween parades, keep you kids at home that day. Of course, the lefty response will be, "but the other kids will make fun of them and exclude them." Hey, if your beliefs are way out from the norm and you wish your children to follow in your footsteps, you better be preparing them as children for what they can expect. Adults may be more subtle than children, but don't kid yourself. They behave the same. Don't get me wrong. I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, but that's not the way it works in reality.
